Everyone Has A Type

Recently Theory House brushed up on the concept of brand archetypes. While the psychology of archetypes has been applied to brands and consumers for some time now, it never hurts to take a step back and reinvestigate the importance of this notion as it applies to marketing.

While several experts have contributed to the topic, providing variations such as differing names for the archetypes, some constants have remained. For instance, most brand archetype practitioners observe twelve “characters” believed to represent iconic personalities. Per Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson’s widely accepted book on the subject, “The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes”, they are as follows: Creator, Caregiver, Ruler, Jester, Regular Guy/Gal, Lover, Hero, Outlaw, Magician, Innocent, Explorer and Sage.

What’s fascinating about archetypes is their base symbolism within humanity, commonly appearing in literary characters, film roles, and people in general. A quick study of just their names evokes a sense of familiarity. You might see a parent as the sage, you’ve dated the jester, your boss is the constant explorer. Of all the people who have ever lived and of all their stories, it’s illuminating to realize they’re often representative of a series of repeating icons.

So while the thinking isn’t new, the thought is still important. What archetype do you want consumers to associate with your brand? What archetype is your consumer? Even consider, what is your personal archetype?

For help answering these questions and building strategy around them, and more concerning retail and private branding, give us a call or swing by our office. We might just be your type of agency.

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